Monday, May 10, 2010

I had a great Mother's Day yesterday. We had a great service at church. After Church we came home, ate lunch and I took a 2 hour nap. (no laundry got done) That does not happen very often but I took advantage of the time yesterday. Tyler has 2 days of High School left this week and he will graduate on May 22. Trae is home for the summer and looking for a job. Hopefully he will find one soon.

It is rainy here today but that is ok because our garden needs the rain. It has been several years since we have had a garden and I am excited about our garden this year. We have tomatoes, okra, beans, squash, cucumbers and all kinds of peppers. I will post pictures as it progesses. All the plants are growing, I just hope they produce!!!!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Thought of Day: True success is using our failures to help us become more like Christ.

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